Safety workplace for confident workers 

We are concerned with the recognition, evaluation, and control of
radiation factors in the workplace for workers and the environment.

Our Services

PT Intergy Indonesia focused on industrial services that included dosimetry analysis and
NORM/TENORM radiation surveys and monitoring for OHS and environmental compliance solutions to commercial, industrial, institutional, and governmental customers in Indonesia.

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TLD / OSL Analysis

We facilitate the evaluation and analysis of TLD units (BARC and HARSHAW) and OSL units (LANDAUER) for industrial and medical market segments.

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Survey Meter and Dosimeter Calibration

We facilitate to calibration most brands of survey meters and dosimeters with the upmost attention to quality and quick turnaround times. 

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NORM / TENORM Radiation Surveys and Monitoring

We offer a comprehensive program for handling radiation exposure from NORM/TENORM, and radiation substance equipment.


Registered Address :

PT. Intergy Indonesia
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Simpang Raya Indah H2/2 Batam Kota, Batam Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

Phone : +62 812 1895 3810
Email  :

Get Connect :
Jakarta Office &
Training Center :
  • PT. Intergy Indonesia
  • Kawasan Technology Business Incubation Center (TBIC) Puspiptek-BRIN, Gedung 10.1, Pengasinan, Gunung Sindur ,
  • Kab. Bogor , Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

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