Process Diagnostics

Our Gamma technology was carried out to diagnose the process 
to help in adjusting the operation parameter to achieve optimum operation 
in petrochemical, refineries and petroleum industry.

Reliable results

PT Intergy Indonesia with its Process Diagnostic Division  evaluates the online performance of distillation columns, heat exchangers, reactors, and other process equipment. They provide an array of many different services based upon different process investigation technologies. Two commonly known services are gamma scanning and radioactive tracing.
Our scanning technology can also perform Inspection method to determine and identify any water ingress inside platform structural member which may lead to structural failure, known as Flooded Member Detection (FMD).

Gamma Scanning

Gamma scans are used to evaluate the performance of distillation columns, strippers, absorbers, reactors and other process equipment. Problems such as tray damage, foaming, or packed bed maldistribution can be readily identified by using this service.

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Radioactive Tracer

Radioactive tracing is used to identify leaks in exchangers, perform residence time distribution studies on vessels and reactors, and to perform flow rate measurements. Virtually all services are performed while the equipment is on-line. Significant savings are possible by avoiding unnecessary shut downs, or by increasing production.

Flooded Member Detection

Water ingress into your structural platform may lead to a catastrophic incident for your platform. This potential incident can be avoided by identifying the presence of seawater in your structural member earlier. Therefore, rectification can be done without any production disruption.

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Registered Address :

PT. Intergy Indonesia
Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Simpang Raya Indah H2/2 Batam Kota, Batam Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

Phone : +62 812 1895 3810
Email  :

Get Connect :
Jakarta Office &
Training Center :
  • PT. Intergy Indonesia
  • Kawasan Technology Business Incubation Center (TBIC) Puspiptek-BRIN, Gedung 10.1, Pengasinan, Gunung Sindur ,
  • Kab. Bogor , Jawa Barat, Indonesia.

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